Bible Study: 120701_1A.mp3
- Bro. Roy Durham
Afternoon Service: 120701_2A.mp3 , 120701_2B.mp3
- Band: “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
- Sis. Cindy Smith:Bro. Mike Smith
- “Let The Temple be Filled”
- “Hosanna, Blessed Be The Rock”
- Bro. Bret Winingar
- Bro. Joe Bill Henry
- Bro Tyrone Perry
- Sis. Rochella McFee
- Sis. Rachel Smith
- Bro. Joe Bill Henry
- Sis. Rachel Smith & Sis. Cindy Smith:Sis. Laura Durham
- “He’s the Only Reason I Live”
- Bro. Mike Smith
- Band:
- “Inside The Gate”
Evening Service: 120701_3A.mp3 , 120701_3B.mp3
- Band:
- “There’s Something About That Name”
- Sis. Cindy Smith
- “Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know”
- “Come and Praise Him With Me”
- Bro. Jerry York
- Bro. Jeff Pryor
- Sis Cindy Smith
- “Sacrifice Of Praise”
- Bro. Wayne McGowan
- Sis. Amy Ratliff
- “At The Cross”
- Bro. Jeff Pryor