Bro. Mick Smith
- Our calling is to the church and not the world
- Rev 13:1-5
- Is the beast Pagan Rome or Papal Rome?
- Dan 7 Lion – Babylon, Bear- Media Persia, Leopard-Greece, Terrible Beast-Papal Rome
- The Beast rising up out of the sea which was seen, was Pagan Rome
- Pagan Rome was the Terrible Beast in Dan 7 and the Little Horn is the Papacy.
- Is 27:1 Leviathan is the same as the beast in Rev 13.
- Rev 12:1-3
- A Dragon is a Civil and Religious System
- Dan 2:
- Egypt
- Assyria
- Babylon
- Media-Persia
- Pagan Rome
- Pagan-Papal Rome
- Rev 17:1-6