Bro. Mick Smith Mark 7:20-23 Rev 20:1-6 Rom 6:23 Jude 1:11-13 1 Cor 15:51-53 2 Cor 5:21
Band: “All Hail King Jesus“ Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Here I Am To Worship” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “I Want Worship The Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Children’s Choir: “Joshua Fought The Battle Of Jericho” Band: “He’s Everything To Me” Sis. Cindy Smith: “He’s Everything They Told Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith John 5 19-27 Jesus helped the Disciples understand that live would come through resurrection and judgement Mat Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: ” The Blood Bought Church” “When The redeemed Are Gathering In” Bro. Daniel Vanderbaum: Wichita KS Bro. Lance Jackson: Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Holy Ground” Choir: “This Place” SIs. Jodi Pryor: “I Can Trust Jesus” Bro. Smith: Prayer Ps. 119:1-3 Rev. 17:14 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Each Step I Take” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Change Me O God” Bro. Phil Fisher Sis. Jodi Pryor: “He’s Changing Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Mat 13 – Parable of the Tares Four categories of Evil Rev 18 The Tare spirit is Press For Audio-Video-Notes