Band: “Sheltered In The Arms Of God” Sis. Cindy Smith: “He Gives Strength To Me” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Come Unto Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Roy Durham Prov 16:7 Prov 4:18-19 Ps 1:5 Heb 12:14 Mark 9:50 Is 32:17
Band: “Bless The Lord, Oh My Soul” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “He Has Made Me Glad” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Rejoice You’re Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Feeling At Home” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “This Is My Life” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “And I’m Still Here” Sis. Jodi Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Eph 4:1-5 One Baptism Conversation, Attitude, Motive, Priority Eph 4:13 Heb 5:14 Ps 133 Deut 4:48 John Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Raising My Hands To You” Sis. Cindy Smith: “I Lift My Hands In Honor” Sis. Cindy Smith: “I Want Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” Sis. Amy York, Sis. Chelsie Fisher, Sis. Cindy Smith: “Look Up” Sis. Nona Adkins Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Roy Durham Purposes: 1. God chose us, 2. God wants us to be holy and without blame, 3. To Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Charles Adkins was born on March 20, 1949, in Little Rock, Arkansas to the late John and Rosie Lee Adkins. Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Feeling At Home” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Falling Down Like Rain” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “He Is Sweet I Know” Bro. Press For Audio-Video-Notes