Bro. Mick Smith 1 Thes 5:1-10 2 Thes 2:1-3 James 1:1 James 5:7-8 Joel 2:18 Matt 24:27 Ps 19:5 1 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith John 20:21 Rev 22:17 Eph 4:1-6 Rom 10:7 Rev 13:11-15 Rev 13:1-2 Rev 7:9 Rev 14:6-10, 13-16 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Heb 2:3 John 11:24-25 Gen 1:26 Heb 2:1-18 Job 14:1 John 3:7 John 10:10 2 Cor 4:16 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith: Ps 34: 1-8 Rev 12:11 Matt 5:9 James 4:6 Ps 116:15 1 Pet 4:17 Rev 13:15 Eph Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Prov 21:1 Dan 2:21 Ps 23:1-6 John 10:10 Heb 2:6-18 Ps 22:22 John 10:10 Ps 116:15 Job Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith 2 Pet 3:8 1 Thes 5:1-6 Matt 24:27 2 Thes 2:1-8 James 1:1 James 5:7-8 Dan 2:21-22 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith: 2 Pet 2:13 1 John 4:17-19 Matt 10:29 Ps 37:23 Ps 111:10 Rom 8:15-17 Eph 4:13-15 Ps Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Tears Are A Language” Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Power In Prayer” Bro. James Talley Sis. Jodi Pryor: “He Can Be Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “We Worship You In Honor” Sis. Cindy Smith: “I Just Came To Praise Jesus” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Worthy Of Press For Audio-Video-Notes