Bro. Michael Smith and Sis. Cindy Smith: “Through It All” Bro. Mick Smith Lev 1:1-17 Rom 5:8 Rom 4:1-8, 21-25 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith 1 Cor 11:3 1 Cor 12:28 Matt 18:18 John 14:16-26 John 14:2 Heb 2:16 John 20:22 1 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Great Is Our Lord” Sis. Gladys Painter, Bro. Nathan Painter, Sis. Lila Painter: “Every Need Supplied” Bro. Mick Smith Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Rev 9 is aobut the Reformation from Martin Luther to the last 45 year period. Rev 10:1-11 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith John 4:35 Heb 5:8 Heb 4:15 Jam 1:14 Heb 1:9-10 Rev 13:8 Rom 6:23 Matt 9:37, Luke Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Alleluia” Sis. Teri Durham: “Reach Out And Touch The Lord” Sis. Teri Durham: “Oh Holy Ghost Come In With Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Mat 27:50-53 The Old Testament Worthies came out of the grave to receive their reward. This was Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Job 28:28 Heb 6:1-2 Gen 26:1-33 Zec 1:18-21 Joel 1:1-4 2 Pet 1:4-7 Luk 8:46 Rom 10:17 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “I’ll Keep Holding On To Jesus” Bro. Michael Smith: “I Won’t Walk Without Jesus” Sis. Linda Alexander Sis. Nona Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith The best place to start off a new person in the message of the Body of Christ, Press For Audio-Video-Notes