Bro. Mick Smith 1 Joh 5:16-18 Rom 5:17 & 12 Mat 12:22-32 Mar 3:28-29 Joh 14:12 Joh 3:3 Joh 14:12-27 Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Alleluia To The Lamb” Sis. Cindy Smith: “In The Presence Of Jehovah” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Peace Peace Wonderful Peace” Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Rev 17:1- Rev 17:10 Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media-Persia, Rome Rev 17:10 USA I John 1:7
Bro. Mick Smith Josh 2:1-18 Is 4:1 1 Cor 15:52 Josh 6, 7, & 8 1 Thes 5:5 Amo 3:7
Band: “Raising My Hands To You” Sis. Teri Durham: “When I Praise You Lord” Bro. Michael Smith: I Want To Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Deut 8:1-3 Luke 23:42-43 Rev 1:1 The “Appearing” of Christ is the Revelation. Rev 20:11-12 The books Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Deu 8:1-20 Act 7:51 Act 2:38 Luk 8:46 2 Pet 1:4-6 1 Sam 4:9 Rev 13:11 Ps Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “He’s In Control” Sis. Cindy Smith: “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” Sis. Cindy Smith: “He Gives Strength Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith The Categories of the books of the Bible Moses History Poetic Major Prophets Minor Prophets Four Gospels Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bro. Mick Smith Heb 6:1 Heb 5:12-14 Rev 21:8 John 4:35 Matt 9:37-38 Mark 16:18 Rev 14:14-15 Ecc 9:11 1 Press For Audio-Video-Notes