Band: “He’s in Control” Sis Cindy Smith: “He’s the Master of Every Situation” “I’m Learning how to Lean and Depend Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “Because He Lives” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “I Feel My Need Dear Lord” Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “He Touched Me” Sis. Delores Bryant: “He Paid A Debt” Sis. Delores Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “As The Deer” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “Oh How Sweet” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “He Is Sweet I Know” Sis. Lanette Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Afternoon Service: Band: “Sheltered In The Arms Of God” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Where Would I Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Jesus Precious Jesus” Sis Cindy Smith: “I Thank You Lord I Praise Your Name” “I Am Blessed” Bro Joseph Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “Great Is The Faithfulness” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “You’re All I Need Lord” Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “All Hail King Jesus” Sis Lanette Stewart: “He’s the Lord of Glory” Bro James Talley Sis Talley Sis Cindy Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Afternoon Service: Band: “He’s In Control” Sis. Delores Bryant: “I Came Here To Praise You” Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Feeling At Home In The Presence Of Jesus” Sis Deloris Bryant: “I Love the Lord” “He’s a Friend that Press For Audio-Video-Notes