Band: “He’s In Control” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Lord I Want To Thank You Again And Again” Sis. Cindy Smith: “Think Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Afternoon Service: Bro. Mick Smith Band: “Rejoice In The Lord” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “Handfuls Of Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “He Touched Me” Sis Lanette Stewart: ” Lord I Thank You for Touching My Life” “I’ve Got to Keep Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Roy Durham Morning Service: Band: “Because He Lives” Sis. Lanette Stewart: “Because He Loves Me” Sis. Lanette Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Inside The Gate” Sis Deloris Bryant: “Where Would I Be Without Jesus” “He Brought Me Out of the Miry Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “Ten Thousand Years” Sis. Cindy Smith: “He Paid A Debt, He Did Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Great is Thy Faithfulness” Sis Cindy Smith: “Just want to Tell You I’m Thankful” “I Am Blessed” Sis Chelsie Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “Amazing Grace” Sis Lanette Stewart: “His Name is Jesus” “I Will Follow Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Band: “Rejoice in the Lord” Sis Lanette Stewart: “He’s Got My World” “He’s on His Throne” Bro Mickey Smith Sis Press For Audio-Video-Notes
Bible Study: Bro. Mick Smith Morning Service: Band: “Because He Lives” Sis. Delores Bryant: “I Want To Worship The Lord” Press For Audio-Video-Notes