Bible Study: 091018_1A.mp3
- Bro. Mick Smith
Afternoon Service: 091018_2A.mp3 091018_2B.mp3
- Band Song: “Raising my Hands to You”
- Sis Delores Bryant: “Just a Touch”
- Sis Delores Bryant: “Touching Jesus”
- Bro. Mark Boyd: Prayer
- Band Song: “Canaan Land is Just in Sight”
- Bro. Mick Smith
Evening Service:091018_3A.mp3 091018_3B.mp3
- Band: “Feeling At Home”
- Sis. Delores Bryant: “I’d Rather Have Jesus”
- Sis. Delores Bryant: “Praise Praise Praise”
- Sis. Eyvone York: “What Do You Think About Jesus”
- Bro. James Talley: Prayer
- Youth: “I’m Yours Lord”
- Bro. Fred Stewart
- Sis. Lanette Stewart
- Sis. Sherry Boyd
- Bro. Mick Smith