Bible Study: 101010_1A.mp3
- Bro. Mick Smith
Afternoon Services: 101010_2A.mp3 101010_2B.mp3
- Band: “Sheltered in the Arms of God”
- Sis. Bryant: “My God Can Do Anything”
- Bro. James Talley
- Bro. Andrew Smith, Chad Neptune, Bret Winingar, Donavan Matthews: “God is God”
- Bro. Andrew Smith, Chad Neptune, Bret Winingar, Donavan Matthews: “Look What The Lord Has Done”
Evening Service: 101010_3A.mp3 101010_3B.mp3
- Band: “Ten Thousand Years”
- Sis. Delores Bryant: “I Want To Worship The Lord”
- Sis. Delores Bryant: “Hosanna, Blessed be the Rock”
- Sis. Delores Bryant: “Keep Your Hand to the Plow”
- Bro. Mick Smith