Bible Study:
- Bro. Mick Smith
Afternoon Service:
- Band: “Our God Reigns”
- Sis. Cindy Smith: Let The Temple Be Filled”
- Sis. Cindy Smith: “How Great Is Our God”
- Bro. James Talley
- Band: “Inside The Gate”
- Bro. Mick Smith
- Sis. Cindy Smith: “He’s Given Me Life”
- Bro. Mick Smith
Evening Service:
- Band: “Great Is Our Lord”
- Sis. Cindy Smith: “You Are Worthy Lord”
- Sis. Cindy Smith: “He Gives Strength To Me” (Bro. Brandon Hughes)
- Bro. Jerry York
- Bro. Troy Fleming
- Sis. Lanette Stewart
- Bro. Caleb Stewart
- Bro. Mark Boyd
- Sis. Mildren Crow
- Sis. Debbie Wallace
- Choir: “I Know That He’ll Deliver Me”
- Bro Mick Smith (picture of 118 year old Hatian woman who lives in Canada)