Bible Study:
- Bro. Roy Durham
Afternoon Service:
- Band: “Sheltered In The Arms Of God”
- Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Carry Me Through The Storm”
- Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Learning To Lean On Jesus”
- Sis. Jodi Pryor: “I’m Not Afraid To Trust Him”
- Bro. Mike Smith
- Band: “Hallelujah I’m Going Home”
- Bro. Jeff Pryor
- Sis. Jodi Pryor: “I’ve Never Seen The Righteous Forsaken”
- Bro. Mike Smith
Evening Service:
- Band: “Great Is Our Lord”
- Bro. Anthony Durham: “
- Sis. Hannah Fisher: “The World Can’t Take Away”
- Sis. Jodi Pryor: “Get Up And Walk Around”
- Bro. Neth Painter
- Bro. Anthony Durham
- Bro. James Talley
- Bro. Troy Flemming
- Bro. Wayne McGowan
- Bro. Roy Durham